Managing Your Artwork/Handcrafts

Managing Your Artwork/Handcrafts

If you’re a lot like us, the administrative part isn’t the most fun and we would prefer to spend our time creating and doing
what we feel is our passion and sharing with others. Managing Your Artworks/Handcrafts may be daunting especially for
first-time users, so we’ve provided some step-by-step instructions and examples to hopefully make it easier. We’ve also
included helpful sidebar links that correlate with Managing Your Artwork/Handcrafts.

Step 1: Click My Account at the top of the page, and select User Profile (Manage Exhibits) in the left sidebar.

Art Genre Exhibit

Step 2: Select the "All exhibits" tab and click the "pencil" icon to edit your work.

Art Genre Exhibit

Step 3: Fill out the form and upload the image, replace the Digital product if needed Then click "Update".

Upload Image

Step 4: The Art genre exhibit has been successfully updated.

Add Image

Step 5: To delete the Art genre exhibit.

Art Genre Exhibit